Tuesday, September 7, 2010

How to be Funny: i.e. Don't read this post

I was hoping that the blogger Muses wold reach down during class and slap me on the back of the head today.  Alas, here I am typing away and still have nothing to write about.  We mostly just talked about the next assignments.  How to write instructions... :]  yep.  My instructions are how to take care of a skateboard so my audience is pretty limited there and I hopefully don't have to worry about offending anyone so I'm going to be going with my old fall back of 'use humor to make my writing seem better.'  I was thinking on that in class today when we were reading the really bad example instructions on dubbing.  The part where the writer tells you to go find 'Katie' was specifically what got me thinking.  My first idea is the writer was trying to be funny by referencing some unknown person by their first name.  I got a little chuckle but it was just bad.  Soooo.... I was thinking "Ohhh no. What if everytime I am trying to be funny its as bad as that guy?"  People would hate me, I would be booed out of class.  But really, what is it that makes me so hilarious and that dubbing guy a worthless idiot? (other than pre-established ethos ;] )  Good humor in short writing like this comes from consistency and voice.  The guy tried his best to be technical but it was so dry my contacts were about to fall out.  If the Katie thing was a joke then it was a definite miss, but that's just cause he didn't finish the joke.  If he'd dragged Katie into like 2 or 3 more sentences?  Comic gold.  This guy could have been writing Prime Time stuff but he got embarassed and quit.  Not just on himself but on English 314.  The former is forgivable but the later, no sir. Not okay.  Long story short I say we all go find this guy and keep him tied up in the back of the class room as a mascot/reminder of what shame looks like.
All joking aside here is your weekly irrelevant humor
The friendship zone   <--- clicky click


  1. Alex, you are a nut. I knew that if I wanted to know what was done in class on Tuesday you would be the first I turned to. Funny how I saw you and you said "we read directions", followed by "you didn't miss anything". I love the contact joke, because I know how much of a pain dry contacts are. Well thanks for informing me on the days events.

  2. I know exactly how you feel sometimes its hard to write about what is going on without just sitting here writing and writing and at the end you have really said nothing, but at least the assignment is complete.

  3. I've often wondered how people critique my stuff when I'm not around. If I am around people say it is awesome just because of the way I look and they think that I should be able to do everything awesome. I spend a lot of time on my stuff, and while my narcissistic tendencies don't allow me to think that anybody can degrade me, it could hurt a lot of other people
